This Earth Day, the Kids In Need Foundation invites you to consider adding inventory donations to your sustainability strategy.
Each April we have an opportunity to reflect on how we are all doing our part to steward this planet to a healthier and sustainable environment. Tips and helpful ideas abound on how individual households can curtail their waste or reduce their carbon footprint – from carpooling, to limiting single-serve purchases, to the DIY craze of upcycling. The industrial space has experienced a green wave as well, as sustainability practices catch hold. Efforts around the “triple bottom line” are showing to make sound business sense and manufacturers and retailers are seeing returns.
Streamlined manufacturing processes, renewable power sources and recycling have done a great deal to help companies reduce waste. But what do you do with returns or misprints? Or items that aren’t quite to spec but are still brand new and useful? Before scraping anything, consider another way to help keep waste out of landfills. Your excess inventory can have a happy second life and even still serve your original consumer.
Kids In Need Foundation takes your surplus, your misprints, and your seasonal or slow-moving inventory and puts it directly into the hands of students and teachers from this country’s most-in-need communities. Since our founding in 1995, we have distributed more than $1 billion in supplies and have developed turnkey inventory solutions to meet your logistical needs. Anything and everything that can be useful in a classroom to help students complete assignments, teachers expand and enrich curriculum, and learners to excel – we are standing by to receive. Using our National Network of Resource Centers, we are positioned nation-wide to move quantities from the carton to the truckload, often with as little as 48-72 hours’ notice.
You can divert pallets of waste from hurting the planet and bring a very real help to classrooms in doing so. Teachers who shop at our free stores for teachers receive an average of $500 worth of supplies to help supplement their classrooms. And we can’t do it without the generous support of all who give product to help keep our shelves stocked. Join us in doing good things for our planet and for students most in need.
To make a donation, fill out our easy-to-use Online Product Donation Form. Or contact Jennifer Lehman for more information at (937) 545-0028 or via email.