Welcome to my Kids Helping Kids page!


My name is Bella, and I'm excited about the leadership opportunity that being a Kids Helping Kids Youth Ambassador provides.

Being able to help under-resourced teachers and students is so important to me, and I love being able to help in anyway that I can. Because of quarantine, I've found that I have a lot of free time on my hands. With that free time, I've decided to host a supply drive during the holidays to help KINF further their mission, and reach students and teachers with much needed resources. One item I am specifically looking for is hand sanitizer because of how needed it is right now in classrooms.

I'll be collecting donations from November 25-December 25!

My personal favorite school supply is glue because you can be so creative with it, and it is a useful tool.

Thanks for visiting my page and for your support. I am proud to be supporting my community and making a difference for students across the country.