Parents Looking for Support
Our programs only provide supplies directly to under-resourced schools, which means we deliver supplies straight to the hands of teachers, who then provide those supplies to their students. If you're a parent and want to help your child's teachers and/or school receive these supplies, share this link with them.
If educators at your school express interest, we can connect with them to see if schools in their district meet the criteria to receive support from our programs.
Other resources for parents
Educators at your child's school
We encourage you to connect with the school:
- Counselor
- Social Worker
- Principal
about local resources that could assist you.
Boys and Girls Clubs of America
Chapters often have back-to-school drives. Contact your local chapter to find what resources are available for you and your family.
United Way
Regional centers often have back-to-school drives. Contact your local center to find what resources are available for you and your family.
Local Religious Organizations
Local religious organizations often host back-to-school programs for local communities. Contact ones that are local to you to see if they have any back-to-school drives that your family would be eligible for.